
Welcome to The Studio Pixel (Your Moments, Our Mastery.)

Welcome to The Studio Pixel, where each picture holds a memory and each picture tells a story. Our journey began at Chhavee Color Lab in the lively centre of Delhi-06. Established by Rajesh Tyagi, the legacy is now carried forward by Rohit Tyagi. We now proudly stand as The Studio Pixel, a symbol of excellence in the photography and video production industries, with a legacy spanning more than 30 years.

The evolution from Chhavee Color Lab to The Studio Pixel is more than simply a name change; it also represents a change in how we approach not only capturing moments but creating a lifetime of emotional imprints. We are committed to capturing the sentiments, occasions, and achievements that are most important to you.

Our company, which is based in the NCR, gives visual narratives life. Our portfolio includes a wide variety of genres. Our dedication, creativity, and the quest to be the best continue to apply as we embrace the future. We are more than just a photography company; we are your collaborators in immortalizing priceless moments.

Step into the world of visual marvel, step into The Studio Pixel to see how we craft the pictures as beautiful as your memories. We are here to capture your moments, one pixel at a time, whether it’s your wedding day, a significant occasion, or a personal milestone.

Our Services


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Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus

Kids & Maternity

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Why Us?

Best Filming Equipment

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10 Years of Experience

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Professional Editing

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Testing the Elements

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